Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Smells and Illness again???

> Good Morning Neighbor:
> I received several emails yesterday with regard to an onion smell
> over the weekend combined with sudden illness. If you experienced
> any of this, please email me with your story and call the EPD to
> report this incident. Their number is (800) 241-4113 or
> Metro Atlanta: (404) 656-4300. I will be calling the EPD as well
> to report overall incidents in our community but your call is vital
> - the more calls the more they listen. There is always the
> possibility that more Ethoprop was stored at this facility but not
> treated and that they stumbled upon it and tried to do something
> with it over the weekend. This is the very reason why our
> Governing Board has requested in writing that the EPD inspect this
> property and assure the community that it is appropriately cleaned
> up and shut down with regard to waste water treatment.
> Your neighbor,
> Connie
> P.S. Correction with regard to title of Ben Barry of Region 2 in
> yesterday's email- the Regional Administrator is Alan Steinberg -
> Excuse my mental confusion.

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