Thursday, February 08, 2007

Another great Organization has been born!

Good Morning Neighbor:

As I am sitting here typing, the Sun is coming out and it is looking like a beautiful day!  I am so very thankful that this spring and summer we will actually be able to enjoy the outdoors.  We will stop at nothing to make sure that the final door is locked at PSC and the Task Force is working hard behind the scenes to make sure that their last 10% of functioning is no longer in business.

I am sure many of you remember in November just before Thanksgiving the Task Force was notified that there was raw sewage spilled at Landmark Mobile home community.  Our efforts combined with the efforts of the residents resulted in immediate safety issues being addressed.  Since that time, one of our dedicated Task Force Members "Kee" Sierra Leone who lives in that community has established along with her neighbors The Alliance for Safe and Healthy Communities.  They are coordinating efforts with other Mobile Home and Neighborhood Communities to make sure that homeowner rights are taken seriously.  Kee has asked that anyone who would like to be a part of their effort please email her and she will gladly keep you updated regarding scheduled meetings and other important information.  Her email address is - I am enclosing her most recent letter below.

Have a wonderful day!

Your neighbor,


Alliance for Safe and Healthy Communities


We had a good meeting this past week and 3 new neighbors joined us.  We met at the Peachtree City Library on Hwy 54 in Peachtree City. 

We discussed many things that concerned us and the most effective way to go about dealing with them.  The group decided to get a post office box so that letters can be sent out to address immediate issues like the mail boxes and correspondence could be received.

ASHC decided to continue to work with the county in their efforts; we have asked for a meeting with them, which they welcomed and hopefully the EMC of Fayette will join us to discuss some other issue and concerns that residents have.

The next meeting will be, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Peachtree City Library.  If you live in a MH park or next to one, please come out and join us.


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