Monday, June 29, 2009

Attending the National Conversation

Good morning neighbor:

Well, it has taken me several days to even get my mind around what really happened while I was in D.C.  I had several meetings prior and around the actual event and those meetings alone could prove to be truly ground breaking in the environmental realm - more to come on this as discussions progress.

The National Conversation Conference was held at the national headquarters for the Environmental Protection Agency - one had to go through security to even get to the auditorium.  The morning began with speeches from Ms. Jackson (the Obama appointed Administrative head of the Environmental Protection Agency),  Linda S. Birnbaum, Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health and Howard Frumkin, Director, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..  There were microphones on stands on each side of the audience as if they were going to take questions or hear remarks.  However, after hearing these speeches and then being told the agenda for the rest of the day, it became clear that there would not be any public input.  I knew that only the morning session would be on webcast and that communities across America were watching to have their voice heard and I became extremely uncomfortable with the whole arrangement.  My legs began to shake as they called for a 15 minute break - I needed to decide what my next course of action would be but before I could think a woman arose in the crowd and began speaking truth to power.  She demanded to be heard and asked Director Frumkin why has he not responded to the cries of poisoned communities - she demanded to know.  I went directly and stood with her giving her what support I could.  When she ended her passionate remarks I began to speak out - I do not even remember all that I said but I do know I asked that this meeting be rearranged so that community members could go to the microphone during the morning webcast and let our voices be heard and to my amazement they agreed to change it up.  Oh, how I wish the cameras were running during this time - it was so important!!!  

They did follow through with allowing us to the microphones once the cameras were rolling again.  I think I was third to speak.  I firmly requested that the ATSDR Health Consultation and Assessment no longer be used and I requested we leave that day with this new mandate in place.  These assessments are found to be faulty by design and do nothing but bring about further harm to communities across America as they try to advocate for their restoration and healing in the legal realm and it cuts off any possibility of being followed medically for years to come.  (I must note here that there were 400 in attendance - with approximately 10 of us from any communities - the rest of the audience worked for the agencies themselves.  I hope to have a copy of the webcast for your viewing in the near future and you will see how passionately we spoke and how difficult it was for those in the audience to clap for us as we finished our speeches.)  Needless to say, there was no mandate for change by the end of the day.  They want to form a national panel or 40 people to become the main working group that will steer the changes.  They are accepting nominations at this time and as reluctant as I am to do this - I feel I absolutely must  - and I guess we will see if they are bold enough to take me and a few of my colleagues.  

I will keep you posted in the days to come.  I could feel your support while I was there and I thank you for all you do to continually lift up not only our community but all those that are in desperate need across America.

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Connie Goes to Washington

Good Morning Neighbor:

I have to say one of my favorite movies has always been "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and I feel this Friday's scenario will be much like the movie.  However, I am afraid I now lack the naivety that Mr. Smith so bravely held.  And, I ask for your thoughts and prayers as I take this journey for not only our community but for all of our neighbors across America.  So many continue to suffer at the hands of corporate greed and the entrenched evil of doing nothing which many of our governing bodies now extol.

I am pasting the link for the conference and the link for you to sign up for the live webcast of the event on Friday morning.  Please know that you all are with me on this journey and I am humbled and honored to put my best foot forward once again in attempting to make lasting changes for the benefit of us all.  

You neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

News on Lawsuit and West Fayetteville Bypass

Good Afternoon Neighbor:

Sorry for the email overload but wanted to get this email to you (see below) from attorney Scott Zahler regarding the approval of the class action on June 1, 2009 and the dispensing of settlement money in the coming weeks.

Also, tonight at 7pm at the chamber room at the end of the Fayette County Administration building (across the parking lot from where you get your car tags) - the final vote for the West Fayetteville Bypass will take place.  As many of you know, residents will lose their homes along with many whose property will be worthless because the road is passing so close to their home.  And, it has also been pointed out that this will increase traffic through Christian City where many of our elderly live.   At the last meeting, I went before the commissioners requesting that they do not take a person's property before all the environmental permits are in place.  Mr. Dennis Chase (a biologist/environmentalist called on by many municipalities for his environmental expertise) feels that these permits will be denied due to endangerment of wetlands.  It would be a travesty to see these homes taken from people at a time when their home value has fallen and then years from now the road is never built.  So I hope to see you there tonight - remember this is not just a Fayette issue but an issue that once again goes to the heart of our fight as a community and a nation that our government must put the health and welfare of our citizens first!

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

The judge gave final approval of the settlement at a hearing on June 1st.  There is a 30 day appeals period and if there are no appeals than the settlement checks will be sent 45 days after that.  That's where we stand.  Please let me know if you need any further information.  Thank you.


Scott M. Zahler

Goetz I Zahler, LLC

900 Circle 75 Parkway

Suite 700

Atlanta, Georgia 30339

770-431-1107 Direct Dial

770-431-1101 Fax     Email              Website 

The "National Conversation" and Your Water

Good morning neighbor:

So glad to see summer here and glad to see fleas on my dogs (yes fleas).  I believe it was Corrie ten Boom in her book "The Hiding Place" that also glorified the flea in the concentration camp because at least she knew she was alive and the same here.  If you will all remember, there were no fleas in the summer of 2006 signaling the physical death of our community if the poisoning did not stop.  We have still lost some of our neighbors, many of our pets and most recently I am beginning to hear of the possibility that we have children born with deformities who were in their mother's womb during the summer of 2006.  So the fight for justice and protection continues.  

Last evening I was told that the Center for Disease Control would be paying my way to participate in "The National Conversation on Chemical Exposure" in D.C. on June 26 - see the link below.  I will go and make whatever stand I can even though I think this "National Conversation" is nothing but a way to appear concerned and to appease the masses that change is on its way.  The fact that they did not invite the very people who testified at our nation's capitol about the atrocities of the ATSDR says that they do not want change and trust me this will be a part of whatever statement I get to make at this meeting.  I only think I am now invited because a few of us barked loud enough that they decided to crack the door a little open to let a few of the "regular people" inside.

Another subject I am deeply concerned about is the letter sent to many of you about toxins in your municipal water.  Dr. Lois Speaker expresses much concern over this and feels you all should be drinking water from an outside source until this problem is resolved.   I have forwarded this information to professionals at GreenLaw that they can also begin to look into this.  It maybe important to have a community meeting so let me know your thoughts and if you received a letter about your drinking water.  It appears to have gone out to residents in the Peachtree City area. 

Remember my quote below - Margaret Mead once said:  Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.