Thursday, August 27, 2009

Panel for Chemical Emergencies

Good Evening Neighbor:

I found out today that I have been selected for the National CDC/ATSDR Work Group to reform the way Chemical Emergencies are handled across the nation.  This is absolute validation that you never know where life will take you and that our fight has not been in vain.  I pray for the wisdom and clarity to always say the right words that will make a difference.   

I am deeply concerned that only two community leaders were selected for this panel of 30.  You would think they would at least have one for each state so I guess Dr. McBride and myself and will have to be loud enough for all of us - not a problem!!

Thank you for your many, many nominations.  I am absolutely humbled and want to serve with integrity - knowing that I have your support means more than you know.

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Monday, August 24, 2009

$4 million

Good Evening Neighbor:

First, let me say how thrilled I am that the $4 million was dispersed among our community last Thursday - I pray that it will benefit you all!  You suffered way more than $4 million and I am supremely reminded of that on this anniversary of Clare Hindman's death - no amount of money will ever amend for her suffering.  I am at the same time extremely saddened for our neighbors who so much needed the money as well but did not receive it because their home was not among the wind pattern on June 29, 2006.  And, in this I say - where is justice???

I want to thank you for the wonderful emails thanking me for my efforts - however - the credit is absolutely not all mine.  We have our stellar Task Force to thank along with Ben Nelms of the The Citizens Newspaper and the many, many people who have helped behind the scenes (true warriors who could not let their faces be known).  

Please know that this fight is not finished and what has happened in the South Fulton and Fayette community should never be forgotten.  I still await my appointment to the CDC's National Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposure and the wonderful work that is being done through the Environmental Institute of Georgia does nothing but propel our community forward to a broader vision.

Thank you for being my neighbor and thank you for putting up with three years of emails - I do not know when they will come to an end because there always seems to be something else that needs to be said!!  Or at least I thinks so!!  I think we have 500 to 1000 on this email list - I quit counting a long time ago.  You all are treasures and I always enjoy hearing from you.

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mold Emergency and Settlement

Good Evening Neighbor:

Well, once again there was an urgent need today to contact the Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Department of Health and UGA Department of Veterinary Sciences.   A neighbor in Cobb County is presently in the ER for mold exposure - also, her dog suddenly passed away this morning.   We are trying to do all we can to make the agencies who are hired to protect us responsive with regard to immediate treatment for toxic exposure.  The Coles have been living in a tent and staying with friends and family for months due to the mold in their home - they only returned this weekend so that their children could start school.  Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers in the coming hours.  

Several of you have called with regard to the Philip Services Corporation settlement checks and it is my understanding they were mailed out today.  As you all know, I have not been heavily involved in the settlement case so my information is very limited.  

I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful summer - it is amazing the difference three years can make.  

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Update on PSC Settlement checks

Good Morning Neighbor:

Please see the email below from Scott Zahler regarding settlement checks.  I know that many of you have been wondering the status on this - should you have questions about your check etc... please contact Scott Zahler - his contact information is below as well.  

Have a wonderful day and I hope to get back with you soon with regard to the D.C panel - I do not have any word as of yet as to my acceptance.  I want to thank the many of you who attempted to send in a nomination - there were problems in registering your vote so the outcome will be interesting.

Your neighbor,


Constance L. Thomas (Biemiller), Chair
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force
Ph. -770-314-6999

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

I've been fielding many calls about the status of the case so I really
appreciate your getting the word out.  There were no appeals.  Checks will
be mailed out by August 17th.  If you need any further information, please
let me know.  Thank you and the Task Force for all your hard work on this

Scott M. Zahler

Goetz I Zahler, LLC

900 Circle 75 Parkway

Suite 700

Atlanta, Georgia 30339


770-431-1107 Direct Dial

770-431-1101 Fax     Email              Website