Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Reminder of Public Meeting at the Capitol Square

Good Morning Neighbor:

Here is a reminder of the Public Meeting before the Fulton County Legislators.  It is so important to have a packed house at a meeting such as this - the mere presence of your face speaks volumes as to the importance of our community and their need not only to listen but to Take Action!!!  We need them to insist that the State Permit of PSC be revoked due to the harm brought upon their citizens.  This action would set a precedence and begin paving a new road regarding the enforcement of environmental issues all across the state.

Oh yeah, and in the polling of young adults across the nation what is one of their top agenda items when looking at candidates - The Environment - I think we are on to something!!!!!!  It is time for our Legislators to wake up!!!

Your neighbor,


M E E T I N G     N O T I C E     
December 28, 2007
The Atlanta-Fulton House and Senate Delegations are sponsoring its annual public hearing on Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 7:00 pm at the following location:
                                                 Room 310
                                                 Coverdell Legislative Office Building
                                                 18 Capitol Square, SW
                                                 Atlanta, GA
                                                (Directly across from the State Capitol)
All residents and members of any organization within the city of Atlanta and Fulton County are invited to attend. Groups are requested to designate one (1) spokesperson to represent the group and speakers are asked to provide a written copy of their remarks for the delegation's records.
The purpose of the hearing is to enable citizens to give input and feedback to their state legislators on issues they would like the upcoming session of the Georgia General Assembly to address.
Remarks are limited to 5 minutes for organizations, and 3 minutes for citizens.


For more information, please contact the House Delegation Office at (404) 656-5149, or the Senate Delegation Office at (404) 651-8804.




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