Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Year Begins!!

Good Morning Neighbor:

If you are like me, you are waking up this morning saying, "Where did 2007 go?".   I always heard growing up that the older you get the quicker time flies and I found that to be very, very true.   As a community, we can look back on this year and know we have accomplished a great deal  - so much so that the State Legislature is taking action and we are looking to make lasting changes for the protection of all Georgians.   Your Task Force is awaiting a second hearing at the Capitol hopefully sometime this month.  But in the meantime, we have another chance to let our voice be heard at the Capitol next Wednesday, January 9th at 7pm.  I will post the notice below.  This is a Public Forum that is heard by the Fulton County Delegation which is made up of all  State House of Representatives and Senators from the Fulton County area.  The Task Force is not missing this chance to once again educate and ask for their support in making the necessary changes that need to be made for the welfare of all.  I encourage you to attend and let your voice be heard as well.  An individual has three minutes - you could use that time to strongly encourage this delegation to support the Task Force position and take a bold step to mandate that the EPD remove the State Permit of PSC. (Even though, we know that PSC is very likely to go away in the very near future - the State has yet to do the right thing and remove the State Permit - this is their chance to do the right thing and to let all Corporations in the State of Georgia know that they must protect the citizens of this state by running toxic free operations and if they do not  - their permit will be withdrawn.  This has never been done in the State of Georgia -  no wonder Corporations feel free to do as they please - if they poison a community all they will have to do is pay a fine!!!!!!

Thanks for being a part of this email list and thanks for being my neighbor!  I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at the Capitol.

Your neighbor,


As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.


M E E T I N G     N O T I C E     


December 28, 2007


The Atlanta-Fulton House and Senate Delegations are sponsoring its annual public hearing on Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 7:00 pm at the following location:


                                                 Room 310

                                                 Coverdell Legislative Office Building

                                                 18 Capitol Square, SW

                                                 Atlanta, GA


                                                (Directly across from the State Capitol)



All residents and members of any organization within the city of Atlanta and Fulton County are invited to attend. Groups are requested to designate one (1) spokesperson to represent the group and speakers are asked to provide a written copy of their remarks for the delegation's records.


The purpose of the hearing is to enable citizens to give input and feedback to their state legislators on issues they would like the upcoming session of the Georgia General Assembly to address.


Remarks are limited to 5 minutes for organizations, and 3 minutes for citizens.
For more information, please contact the House Delegation Office at (404) 656-5149, or the Senate Delegation Office at (404) 651-8804.



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