Monday, August 27, 2007

Environmental Board

Good Morning Neighbor:

First, let me remind you that tonight is the vote regarding the Transfer Station in the City of Fairburn.  Be there and show you care - Fairburn City Hall at 7pm!!

 Secondly, I will be meeting with Mayor Hannah this morning at 10 am to discuss the creation of an Environmental Board.  This would be a permanent Board  comprised of Citizens and Environmentalist.  This Board would fall under Planning and Zoning -  any permit that is sought that would have an environmental impact on the city must always go through this board for approval before reaching the City Council.  I will be requesting the immediate creation of this Board and the delay of the transfer station vote until this protocol is established.

I look forward to seeing you tonight!!!

Your Neighbor,


Constance Thomas Biemiller, Chairman
South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force

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