Monday, April 30, 2007


> Good Morning Neighbor:
> I hope you had a beautiful weekend!!! We need many beautiful
> weekends to make up for all we lost last summer!!!
> I am attaching a letter that is very alarming and once again
> underlines the dangers of the chemical Ethoprop. To think that we
> were exposed for months to this deadly chemical is beyond my
> understanding. The laws must change in Georgia - right now our
> State does not even recognize Pesticides as a hazardous chemical
> therefore allowing these "Non-Hazardous" sites such as PSC to
> process it. Our Task Force will be pursuing ways in the coming
> months to begin the conversation with legislators to change these
> antiquated laws. I will also forward the following information to
> the Class Action Attorneys - the data given below substantiates the
> harm the Bayer Corporation has brought to our community.
> Your neighbor,
> Connie
>> April 27, 2007
>> This Open Letter calls on Bayer Corporation to immediately stop
>> trading with highly toxic pesticides. It will be handed over to
>> Bayer´s management on their Annual Shareholder Meeting today. The
>> letter was signed by 154 organizations from 35 countries and by
>> more than 2.600 individuals (see full list at: http://www.eine-

>> OffenerBrief_Bayer_deutsch.pdf).
>> Open letter to Bayer AG: Stop the sale of highly poisonous
>> pesticides immediately!
>> Dear Mr. Wenning, chairman of the board,
>> we, the signatories to this letter, call upon the Bayer AG to
>> phase out immediately all pesticide products in all countries of
>> the world which were classified from the World Health Organisation
>> (WHO) as extremly hazardous (1a) and highly hazardous (1b).
>> Despite your announcement in Bayer´s business report of 1995 to
>> stop the sale of all pesticides of the hazard category 1a and 1b
>> until the year 2000, Bayer AG continues to sell such pesticides in
>> developing countries.
>> Activists have requested since the year 2000 to terminate those
>> sales. Regardless of this criticism and your promise, Bayer is
>> still selling pesticides with the following active substances:
>> Ethoprop (1a), Methyl Parathion (1b), Methamidophos (1b),
>> Triazophos (1b) Thiodicarb (1a), Oxydemeton-Methyl (1b),
>> Fenamiphos (1b) and Azinphos-Methyl (1b)
>> (, 20th of march 2007).
>> This is in contradiction to Bayer's own ambition expressed in the
>> sustainability report 2005: "We aim to acquire a leading
>> technological and economic position in our industrial sector as
>> well as setting standards in environmental protection and social
>> commitment".
>> The World Health Organisation estimates the number of persons who
>> are poisoned annually at 3[1] to 25[2] million. 200 000 people
>> commit suicide using pesticides and more than 40 000 people are
>> killed accidentally by pesticides every year. The estimated number
>> of unreported cases is much higher[3].
>> According to the Bayer AG your company has a world market share in
>> pesticides of 20%. Cases of poisoning could be reduced
>> significantly by the cessation of the sale of class 1 pesticides.
>> The active ingredients are not only dangerous for the direct
>> users. Residues of toxins in spices, tea, fruits, vegetables, meat
>> and textiles harm also consumers.
>> We call on you: Keep your promise and stop the sale of highly
>> poisonous pesticides!
>> An initiative of: Eine Welt Netz NRW (One World Network of North
>> Rhine-Westphalia)
>> Supported by: Coalition against Bayer dangers (CBG) and Pesticide
>> Action Network Germany (PAN Germany)
>> Coalition against BAYER Dangers (Germany)
>> Fax: (+49) 211-333 940 Tel: (+49) 211-333 911
>> please send an e-mail for receiving the English newsletter Keycode
>> BAYER free of charge. German/Italian/French/Spanish newsletters
>> also available.
>> Advisory Board
>> Prof. Juergen Junginger, designer, Krefeld,
>> Prof. Dr. Juergen Rochlitz, chemist, former member of the
>> Bundestag, Burgwald
>> Wolfram Esche, attorney, Cologne
>> Dr. Sigrid Müller, pharmacologist, Bremen
>> Eva Bulling-Schroeter, member of the Bundestag, Berlin
>> Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, biologist, Neubeuern
>> Dorothee Sölle, theologian, Hamburg (died 2003)
>> Dr. Janis Schmelzer, historian, Berlin
>> Dr. Erika Abczynski, pediatrician, Dormagen
>> [1] Public health impact of pesticides used in agriculture, UNEP,
>> FAO, 1990
>> [2] Jeyaratnam J. Acute pesticide poisoning: a major global health
>> problem. World Health Statistics Quarterly 43(3), 139-144, 1990.
>> [3] I LO (2000): International Labour Conference, Report VI
>> (1):Safety and health in Agriculture), 88th Session, 30 May-15
>> June 2000, International Labour Organization, Geneva.

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