Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another Toxic Nightmare

Good Morning Neighbor:

Another toxic nightmare is about to hit a community in Texas.  Once again, it is waste not just from another State - as in our situation - but from another Country.  As you read through the article, Bayer Corporation is in their community as well (I wonder if it parades as Philip Services Corporation in Texas).    I am going to forward this article with an email to Congressman Scott's office in hopes that a letter can be written in haste to be presented at the June 19 public comment session in Texas.  I would give anything to be there myself to make comment for this community and the citizens of our nation.  We cannot stand by and let the greed of these corporations literally kill us all.  (By the way, why is it that a corporation feels that it has so much power that it can overturn an EPA's decision?)


Your neighbor,


Send Connie (our own Erin Brockovich) to the Capitol July 15
Her Leadership Opens Doors for The Betterment of All

Connie Biemiller, GA House Candidate District 66
Serving The South Fulton and Fayette Community
P.O. Box 1593
Fairburn, GA 30213-1593

Please Contribute at
make a check payable to connie's campaign and mail to the address above

As Margaret Mead once said:

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

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