Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Green Grocery Shopper

Good Morning Neighbor:

It was so great to see many of our neighbors at the Tyrone Earth Day event.  The presence of our Task Force at such an event truly shows that our community will always endeavor to make a difference in the lives of others.  Our Task Force devised a Green Grocery Flyer and I am copying it below in case you were unable to pick one up this past Saturday.  I also want to give you a local website for Spezzano's Village Market  - - you can purchase organic vegetables from their coop at a very reasonable price - they are located in Tyrone.  Also, you will see information below for the Two Doves organic farm in Peachtree City.  If you know of any organic farmers or coops in the South Fulton area, please let me know.

On a more non-green note, it is important that you know that the Peachtree City Council decided to spray sewage effluent onto their recreational fields.  I have posted The Citizen article on The Community Voice Forum for you to read and make a decision as to how you as a citizen should respond.  This is not just a practice happening in PTC but is happening in many places and it is important that you find out what is being sprayed on your local recreation areas and if this is a risk that you want your children or your neighbor's children to take.

Your neighbor,


South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force, Chair
Candidate Georgia House District 66

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