Friday, September 07, 2007

The Community Voice

> Good Morning Neighbor:
> I want to introduce you to a new website that I recently placed on
> the internet . I have been so blessed to be
> able to learn so much about the Fayette and South Fulton area over
> the past year and now that I am running for office, I needed to
> find someway to hear on a regular basis from our community. Please
> view this internet channel and click the Forum tab and place your
> vote on different topics or give a full comment. It is very
> important to me to hear your opinion!!! I will continually gather
> the information collected on this site and send it to elected
> officials and government agencies that need to hear our voice as a
> community.
> I recently posted the Plutonium article and want to get your vote
> and comments on this subject. I want to thank Judith Moore - one
> of our great neighbors - for alerting us to this article. We have
> several great neighbors who are checking to see if the plutonium is
> being transported via rail or interstate. I am hearing many
> concerns with regard to possible terrorist attacks during the
> transport.
> I look forward to hearing from you!!!!
> Your neighbor,
> Connie

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