Good Morning Neighbor:
I was recently given a refrigerator magnet that states - Try Organic Food... or as your grandparents called it "Food". This statement is so very true - prior to WWII our food was not chemically laden as it is now. And, of all people, we have Hitler to thank for our continued harm. Chemicals were rapidly created for chemical warfare during WWII and while finding it would kill humans, they also noticed it would kill insects so they kept them in use and marketed them as a pesticide.
I would so encourage you and your family to buy organic products this Thanksgiving. We must continue to have a voice with regard to our health and welfare as a community and vote with our dollar - granted it is a little more expensive to do so at times but you are truly defeating an enemy by doing so. Research is becoming stronger and stronger showing the link between cancer and neurological problems with the introduction of these chemicals into our food supply. These chemicals not only affect our children but their unborn children due to mutations in their DNA at present. This is all frightening stuff for sure!! It is truly up to us to continue the work of the "Greatest Generation" by making sure those that follow us are not further harmed.
Wanting the very best for you and your family this Holiday Season,
Your neighbor,
Connie Biemiller Thomas
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As Margaret Mead once said:
Never underestimate a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.